Logistics courier dispatch bike delivery box branding in lagos abuja nigeria
top quality vehicle wrap Logistics courier dispatch bike delivery box branding in lagos abuja nigeria
Logistics courier dispatch bike delivery box branding in lagos abuja nigeria

Logistics Bike Delivery Box Branding

Best For: Car branding, Motorcycle branding, Bus branding, Van branding, Bike delivery box branding, Trucks branding and lots more.


Design:New creative design

Size: Width-19 inches, Height-19 inches.

Material: Quality self adhesive sticker (SAV).

Finishing: Topnotch quality self adhesive sticker (SAV) printing branded on 19 by 19 box

Price: Branded logistics courier bike delivery box price starting at ₦50,000.00 per one.

Delivery 3-4 working days at your doorstep within Lagos Nigeria, 4-6 working days for other states in Nigeria and other countries.

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